About Us

Our History


Larsen’s Ace takes the Big Box straight on by adding a 30,000 SF Con­trac­tor Cen­ter in 2007.   Lyle and JoAnn sell each of the four Son’s 20% inter­est in the busi­ness before leav­ing on a mis­sion to Los Ange­les.  2012 Larsen’s add six large green­hous­es and expand their plant and nurs­ery busi­ness.   What does the future hold in store for Larsen’s Ace Hard­ware?  Well, this much we do know, Larsen’s will adapt like a chameleon to meet chang­ing times, and we will nev­er open on Sunday’s and always rec­og­nize where our bless­ings come from.  Thanks to every one of you who have patron­ized our busi­ness and giv­en us our suc­cess. Thanks are giv­en to all past and present employ­ees.


New store and yard, at last we have enough room.  After mov­ing the store four times JoAnn says she is not mov­ing again.  Ten years of con­tin­ued growth.  Rick Larsen man­ages Lum­ber depart­ments and trains Lyle and JoAnn’s Son’s and Son in law to take over his many duties before mov­ing on to devel­op his school Storm Ridge Ranch for trou­bled Youth.  2002 Larsen’s weath­er the open­ing of a new Wal-Mart next door.


With store and Yard scat­tered over four loca­tions, it’s time to con­sol­i­date and expand. Larsen’s Ace pur­chas­es cur­rent loca­tion (1155 S Hwy 118 Rich­field UT.) and con­structs new 30,000 SF build­ing with plen­ty of room, and builds new sheds for Lum­ber Yard.


Expan­sion con­tin­ues Willard Cole­man home Removed (now where new Fire dept. stands).  Lyric the­atre prop­er­ty rent­ed (now Shirt Stop build­ing).  Prop­er­ty where (Hori­zons Cri­sis cen­ter now stands) pur­chased.  1991 Co-Founder Thel­ma Larsen dies. 1992 Todd Nie­mann mar­ries Lyle and JoAnn’s daugh­ter Leanne and joins busi­ness.  Lance,  Lar­rin, and Lan­don grow up in the aisles of the store and lat­er in the lum­ber yard, and choose to fol­low in their Grandfather’s and Father’s foot­steps into the hard­ware and lum­ber busi­ness.


Founder Low­ell Larsen passed away after turn­ing his $16,000 farm into a very suc­cess­ful busi­ness. Hard work a will­ing­ness to take chances, and always will­ing to change with the times were all key to his suc­cess.  His hon­esty as a busi­ness­man was unmatched.  Kent leaves busi­ness to help in devel­op­ment of Fish lake Lodge prop­er­ties an open Café.


Dur­ing this peri­od store enjoys steady growth. Randy Chris­tensen leaves com­pa­ny and pur­chas­es Mont­gomery Ward store (Which lat­er evolves into Big O Tire). Lowell’s son Kent and Grand­son Rick join the com­pa­ny and help devel­op lum­ber and build­ing mate­ri­als depart­ments. 1982 Larsen’s pur­chase the old Christies mar­ket build­ing, as Dove’s Mar­ket moves to Join K-Mart in new shop­ping cen­ter.  (Now the new Rich­field City Fire dept.).


Store enjoys steady growth.


Rent­ed build­ing in Span­ish Fork sold to new own­er, who will not renew lease. Larsen’s look for new loca­tion.  Noth­ing suit­able is avail­able in Utah Coun­ty. Lyle remem­bers see­ing an emp­ty build­ing in Rich­field. Low­ell and Lyle trav­el to Rich­field and by days end hold an agree­ment with Raynel Pear­son to rent the East half of the old Safe­way build­ing, (cur­rent­ly Pear­son Tire Build­ing). Larsen’s Ace hard­ware opens in April of this year. In fall of 1973 the Larsen’s add Home improve­ment lines and rent addi­tion­al space from the Pearson’s.


Ace Hard­ware expands rapid­ly requir­ing the Larsen’s to seek a new larg­er loca­tion.  Lyle and Randy Chris­tensen who joined the com­pa­ny in the fall of 1973 remod­el the Poulson’s Gro­cery ware­house build­ing (which was locat­ed where the park­ing lot behind the Huish The­atre now exists.


Store changes affil­i­a­tion from West­ern Auto to Ace Hard­ware Cor­po­ra­tion.


Lyle mar­ries JoAnn Han­d­ley on June 14th.


Lyle returns home from mis­sion, and returns to B.Y.U to con­tin­ue cours­es in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion.


Store moves to new Main Street loca­tion.


After work­ing with his par­ents to get busi­ness start­ed, Lyle Larsen leaves to serve LDS mis­sion in East­ern States.


Low­ell & Thel­ma Larsen sell 60 acre farm in Lake Shore for $16,000.  Invest the $16,000 In a West­ern Auto store on Main Street in Span­ish Fork.