Job Application: Lumber Yard

Title: Lum­ber Yard

Fields marked with an aster­isk (*) must be filled out before sub­mit­ting.

Personal Details

Name *
Sur­name *
Email Address *
Address *
City *
State *
Post code *
Phone *
Posi­tion Desired *
Date Avail­able *
Do You Wish To Work: * Full
What Days Are You Avail­able To Work 8 A.M. — 7 P.M. * Mon­day
Oth­er Respon­si­bil­i­ties, Include Days and Times


High School *
Num­ber of Years *
Did you grad­u­ate? Yes
Years Attend­ed
Did You Grad­u­ate? Yes No


Check All That Apply Cashier
Paint Mix­ing
Word Pro­cess­ing
Key Cut­ting
Build­ing Con­struc­tion
Per­son­al Com­put­er
Oth­er Skill

Employment History: Give names & addresses of past employers. If you are now working, present employer and reason for desire job change must be included. Also give reason for any lapse of time between jobs.

May We Con­tact Your Cur­rent Employ­er? Yes

Emplyer (Latest First)

Start Date
End Date
Com­plete Address City, State, & Zip
Final Wage
Name & Phone Num­ber of Super­vi­sor
Title & Duties
Rea­son For Leav­ing
Start Date
End Date
Com­plete Address City, State, & Zip
Final Wage
Name & Phone Num­ber of Super­vi­sor
Title & Duties
Rea­son For Leav­ing
Start Date
End Date
Com­plete Address City, State, & Zip
Final Wage
Name & Phone Num­ber of Super­vi­sor
Title & Duties
Rea­son For Leav­ing
Upload Addi­tion­al Work His­to­ry As Need­ed. Word Doc

Military Service

Branch & Final Rank/Grade
Spe­cial­ty & Reserve Sta­tus

General Information

Have You Ever Worked For This Com­pa­ny Before? Yes
If Yes, When & Where
Do you have any rel­a­tives employed by our com­pa­ny? Yes
If Yes, Who? First & Last Name.
Have you ever been con­vict­ed or plead­ed guilty to a felony Yes
If Yes, Give Full Detail.
Do you have a valid driver’s license? Yes
If Yes, Give State & Class
Do you have a cur­rent driver’s med­ical card? Yes
If hired, can you fur­nish proof of age and that you are legal­ly enti­tled to work in U.S.? Yes
How did you hear about the posi­tion? Face­book
Do you have any health prob­lems that would inter­fere with the per­for­mance of your job? Yes
If Yes, Describe.
Are there any oth­er exper­ineces, skills, or qual­i­fi­ca­tions which you feel would espe­cial­ly fit you for work with this com­pa­ny?
Upload your Resume Word Doc­u­ment

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING BELOW This application is considered current for 90 days. If you want to be considered for employment affter this time you must resubmit your application.


I certify that the information contained in this application and/or any supplement thereto, is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that any mis-statement or omission of information is grounds for imediate dismissal in accordance with cmpany policy. I authorize Larsen’s Ace Hardwareto contact my current or prior employers and/or the above references and request any information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and I expressly release Larsen’s Ace Hardware and all parties providing such information from any and all liability or responsibility for damage that may result from furnishing the same to you. I further understand said background check may also involve the conmany abtaining any investigative consumer report on me which may cover such areas as my character, general reputation and mode of living. I hereby authorize the company, if they wish, to make such inquiry and understand that upon my written request, additional information as to the nature of said inquiry will be provided. If I am offered a position with the company, I agree to conform to the applicable rules, regulations, and policies of the company, and acknowledge that my employment and compensation can be terminated at any time with or without cause, and with or without notice, at the option of either the company or myself. I further understand that no representative of the company has any authority to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing or to bind the company for the employment of any person for any specified period of time.

Full Name
* By typ­ing my name & check­ing this box, I cer­ti­fy that all the above is truth­ful. I also agree to all the terms set out in the terms of employ­ment para­graphs above.